What Makes Us Different?
Whiskers and Soda is a cat café, in partnership with the cat rescue group A Voice For All Paws, for the purpose of providing a safe and loving environment for cats and kittens while they search for their fur-ever homes.

What is our core mission?
Our mission is to bridge the gap between fur-babies looking for their purrfect homes, and those wishing to grow their family. We have found that the most productive interaction between foster cats and potential adoptive parents is in a location where the cats feel safe and comfortable. Our setting provides the most natural and relaxed exposure between cats and humans, for both to get to know each other. All of the cats and kittens in the café are fully vetted and verified as healthy.
Why is there a fee to enter?
There is a fee for entry in order to support the process of rescuing and rehabilitating cats in need so that they can be a part of the unique interactive experience within the cafe. In order to keep a consistent cat population in the café, we have partnered with the cat rescue group A Voice For All Paws for the purpose of providing a safe and loving environment for cats and kittens while they search for their fur-ever homes.
Every visitor entry helps continue the rescue efforts of cats and kittens in the area while also providing a playful experience for the cats and our visitors and without an entry fee, this experience would not be possible to sustain.

Can you bring your kids?
Whiskers & Soda welcomes children in the cafe as long as there is adult supervision at all times. Our first priority is the cats and kittens, and sometimes children are not fully aware of the best way to engage and play with our fur babies. Because of this, we ask that parents be aware of their children at all times when visiting the cafe and be prepared to give them extra instruction when interacting with our cats and kittens. We understand this is a unique experience and can be very exciting to a child, but that excitement can get perceived differently by the cats and kittens. That’s why we need the help of all parent’s as we aim to provide a safe and calm environment for all our fur-babies and everyone visiting the café.
At times, our staff may provide some direction regarding how your child is interacting with the kitties. Please know that any direction given is because our staff is very aware of the cat and kittens’ stress levels, and we try to be proactive in situations that could escalate quickly.
How to interact with the cats?
We always want to be mindful of the well-being of the cats so we have some recommendations on how visitors should interact with the cats when at the cafe.
·Let the cats come to you, do not force interaction with a cat.
·Cats can sleep up to 15 hours a day, so don’t be disappointed if they are snoozing when you want to play with them.
·Please do not chase the cats while in the cafe. We want to be respectful of other visitors and the potential dangers that can occur when the cats start running around within the cafe.
·Shoes must either be left outside the kitten play area, or you must wear shoe covers. We must be careful to not track any unwanted things into the café, or accidentally step on a cat tail with a hard shoe!
·Turn off the flash when taking pictures of the cats please.

Ready to Get Started?
If you love cats, eat and drink on a regular basis, and need a good spot to relax than we are the purr-fect place for you.
Enjoyed your visit at Whiskers and Soda? Share your moments with us. Follow us on Instagram and use the hashtag above.